Saturday, July 22, 2017

Public launch of - Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing

This week saw the culmination of the first major phase of work of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, and the outcome of two years of a research inquiry into arts and health through the publication of Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing. The report had its public launch in the Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University, and I was very honoured that Arts for Health hosted this event, with the support of the Arts & Health Research Group and the university policy think-tank MetroPolis.

There is much for us to digest in this report - the most substantial research syntheses to have been written on the subject - and many of the links provided in this blog posting will take you directly to the reports dedicated web page. 

Alongside it�s little sister of a short report and accompanying policy briefings, the overarching messages are clear and unequivocal:

1. The arts, imagination and creativity can help keep us well, aid our recovery ?and support longer lives better lived. ?

2. Prescribing arts to deliver health saves money.
3. There is great potential for the arts to do more to help meet major ?challenges facing health and social care: mental health, ageing, loneliness ?and long-term conditions.??

Creative Health reflects further on NHS Chief Executive, Simon Stevens� strategic plan set out in his Five Year Forward View for NHS England focusing on the development of �community based non-medical responses to a range of physical and mental health and wellbeing needs�. As Lord Crisp has suggested, a healthy and health-creating society must aim for �the transformation of the health and care system from a hospital-centred and illness-based system to a person-centred and health-based system�. As the report suggests, artists and arts organisations can contribute to achieving this by fostering individual creativity and social inclusion and balance technical innovation with social innovation.

Whilst the report gives a forensic overview of research and practice across the life course, (and detail on evidence and methodology) and explores the policy and commissioning landscape - it does much more! Upfront and bold is the section on the social determinants of health and wellbeing, and it is this section, I�d suggest, that is critical to us moving forward, if we are really going to influence social change. Read it, digest it and perhaps we should have another event in Manchester early 2018 that focuses explicitly on social determinants, inequalities and social justice which should underpin all we do.

At the public launch of the report, I eluded to social justice as underpinning our work, and all the people who shared their stories in those exquisite vignettes on Friday, expand more lyrically on what I mean by this, than I could in writing a blog! By sharing the vision, practice and lived realities of people across Greater Manchester we were able to crystallise some of the macro ideas in this report, into the small scale, intimate and real.

The day began with a welcome to the university by Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, Professor Richard Green and an introduction to some of the themes in the report by vice-chair of the APPG, MP for Vale of Clwyd, Chris Ruane. Following some contextual thinking that I shared with delegates, it was my pleasure to introduce the �main act�, so to speak - the Rt Hon. Lord Howarth of Newport. In my short overview to Lord Howarth, I gave some acknowledgement to his genuine commitment to this field which I�ve had the pleasure to share with him over the last five or so years, from policy conversations with politicians in Whitehall to the actually nitty-gritty of doing things! (this is important) Not just talking, but enabling, pushing, inspiring and making things possible.

Personally, I never thought I�d see an image by David Shrigley sitting alongside the institutional image of government, like the APPG portcullis logo, but this tells us a lot about this report and not only the political stealth behind it: it tells us something about Alan Howarth�s passion, conviction and vision. He has given all of us involved, great faith in the political system, at a time when other elements of it leave me personally flat. Regular readers of this blog will realise that this is somewhat an understatement! 

He is a great champion to our community of interest, and his response to the Manifesto for Arts & Health in 2012 gives us a key to his core values:

�Trust, arduousness, risk, self expression and shared work are means of moving towards individual and collective integrity. Teaching and companionship sustain us; orthodoxy and exploitation blight us. Politics should be predicated on these values.�

We didn�t publicise the fact, but less that 48 hours earlier, he�d had surgery on his eye and was in a lot of discomfort, his vision greatly impaired. He could of easily and legitimately pulled out of the event, and it says something of the man, that he was committed both to contributing, and to Manchester itself, that he made this effort.

His presentation said it all. He provided the context, the rationale, the methodology and something of the depth of work that those involved in the work have gone to, and he expanded on some of the recommendations that are central to the work, as all of those involved in this long process begin a period of consultation and reflection for 6 months or so.

Much of what he said, contextualised the place of Manchester as the crucible of this movement, echoing my own comments on our place in the history, present and future of arts and health.

It felt incredibly fitting that the public launch took place in the North of the England, and particularly here in Manchester in 2017, as it�s 30 years since Peter Senior brought Arts for Health into the university. Yet, with over a hundred people in the room from as far as Scotland, Wales and the South of England - it was clear that we are all part of an evolving movement - a research informed movement - and one which the late Mike White described as, A Small Scale Global Phenomenon.

I reminded delegates of the recent opening ceremony of the MIF and - What is the City but the People? Where for one hour, 160 ordinary Mancunians walked a giant cat-walk in Piccadilly, from dog-walkers to social activists, from transvestites to the two taxi drivers who turned off their meters on the night of the recent attacks, in the spirit of solidarity - all strutting their stuff, to an audience of the British public, celebrating something that is unifying and very profound - community.

Powerful, precise and humane.

?The arts had offered something of that civic society, that sometimes appears lost for ever in these days of what Mark Fisher has called, Capitalist Realism?In planning the event, my focus had been on �place� and the exploration behind the overarching ideas around devolution in Greater Manchester, in which the aforementioned Five Year Forward View, explores the idea of Health as a Social Movement, but doesn�t in any real sense articulate how this great change in the NHS might happen. Whilst the RSA, NESTA and NEF have been charged to explore some of these ideas, it feels that with Live Well Make Art and the rich ecology of small scale and large scale arts and cultural activists already grounded in these communities, we are a social movement. The Greater Manchester Combined Authority have a five-year population health plan which commits explicitly to positioning the �strong inter-relationship between arts and individual and community health as one of the key foundations of building sustainable and resilient communities across Greater Manchester�. 

Arts and culture will be embedded in sustainable partnerships with health service commissioners and providers, making arts activity a core element of future planning. If we look at this in terms of those four vignettes, we see clearly that Arts & Health is a Social Movement, which can only be enhanced through our shared agendas. 

Alan Higgins, Director of Public Health in Oldham Council and Jacqui Wood, Artistic Director at the Arc Centre in Stockport set the scene for what has happened over Great Manchester and what might happen in our immediate futures where arts, health and wellbeing are explored as a social movement. ??

This was made real and animated through a high octane exploration of Art & Recoverism by founding director of Portraits of Recovery, Mark Prest, Manchester School of Arts� Professor Amanda Ravetz and recovery activist Michaela Jones, sharing their collaborative ambition to affect a 'culture change' by the emancipatory re-framing of addiction and recovery identities.
Bernadette Conlon, the chief executive officer and founder of Start and Paul Jordan, Start Artist in Residence, shared a short film called �Five Ways to Well being� which you can see below, which with it�s stories of first class degrees, artistry and love, offered us tangible, credible and rich evidence of lives well lived, regardless of moments of mental ill health. 

Artist Lois Blackburn and poet Philip Davenport, who make up arthur+martha alongside Danny Collins, one of The Homeless Librarians, discussed The Homeless Library, the first history of British homelessness, a project that gave participants a safe place for self-expression and acknowledgement, sharing an important legacy with wider society. They all shared interviews, artworks and poetry which were inscribed into handmade books by some of the 3000 estimated homeless people of Manchester. Danny�s poem was profound.

All of these people shared personal experience at the deepest level, emotionally charged and a levelling factor with all those present in the room - equals - experiencing different textures of life.

And this is what participating in challenging and high quality artist led projects do - shift experiences - enable change and challenge assumptions. From Portraits of Recovery assertively addressing the invisible faces and voices of people from diverse and excluded groups through contemporary arts practice, to the progressive safe spaces created by organisations like Start, and the nuanced social arts practice of Lois and Philip. 

Artists as researchers, and researchers exploring the boundaries of their own practice - challenging each other in the context of health and wellbeing and of cultural equality.

To close such an important event, I was personally thrilled to have the input of Manchester poet Mike Garry who read an extract from T.S. Elliot�s Burnt Norton as a contextual introduction to the work of the Northern Chamber Orchestra (NCO) and their work around dementia. Tom Elliot of the NCO introduced the composer Dr Kevin Malone who briefly explained a composition he had written reflecting his father�s experiences of Alzheimer�s, which the clarinetist, Lynsey Marsh played to a spellbound audience. The work is called Last Memory.??

  Time present and time past

  Are both perhaps present in time future,
  And time future contained in time past.
  If all time is eternally present
  All time is unredeemable.
  What might have been is an abstraction
  Remaining a perpetual possibility
  Only in a world of speculation.
  What might have been and what has been
  Point to one end, which is always present.?

  (Extract from Burnt Norton, No. 1 of 'Four Quartets� by T.S. Elliot)

Throughout the launch, presenters from the wonderful Vintage FM broadcasted live through the event and we�ll be sharing this on the blog over the next couple of weeks, which includes an interview with some of the contributors including Lord Howarth.
Many of you will know that I represent the North West region on the National Alliance for Arts, Health and Wellbeing, which - in the person of my colleague Alex Coulter - provided the driving force behind this APPG inquiry and report development. Alongside Alex, Dr Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt, (who worked with me at Arts for Health, authoring the important, 
Exploring the Longitudinal Relationship Between Arts Engagement and Health) is responsible for undertaking the huge research behind Creative Health. To them both, and for the constant leadership of Alan Howarth, my deepest personal thanks.

There are still those shady figures waiting in the wings, to capitalise on the report�s recommendations, so we must vigilant not to be subsumed by the venture philanthropists, who pursue this agenda devoid of integrity and worse still, no collaborative experience in the field, and who are lacking some of those core principles and values, which collaborators to our Manifesto for Arts & Health, so richly exuded.

For all those people who have very kindly written to me about Friday�s launch, I have noticed an overarching theme in people�s reflections; that of evolution. It seems that people liked the pace of the day and the speakers, which illuminated the ways in which arts/health has been growing over these last 30 years or so, and because those of us, who are embedded so deeply in the work, (small and large scale) are moving and evolving over time and context - we have a real sense of momentum informed through lived experience.


Saturday, July 15, 2017

CREATIVE HEALTH, PUBLIC LAUNCH on 21st July at The Manchester School of Art

I am pleased to announce that we are able to release a small number of tickets to the public launch of Creative Health, the report of a research inquiry into Arts and Health by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health & Wellbeing (APPG) will take place on the 21st July between 11:00 and 13:00 here at MMU.

The aim of the report is to inform a vision for political leadership in the field of arts, health and wellbeing in order to support practitioners, and stimulate progress and future research. In the light of its findings, the APPG will seek to influence the thinking and practice of politicians and other decision-takers. The report will be introduced by co-chair of the APPG, Lord Howarth of Newport who will be accompanied by parliamentarians and special guests. We�ll be having input from some inspirational artists and health activists and will share more after the event. The Full and Short reports will be available at this event. The short report containing superb illustrations by David Shrigley. 

If you�d like to attend the event, please email and you�ll receive a response on Tuesday 18th. You can read Art can be a powerful medicine against dementia, in this Observer article from 16th July HERE.

Artists Studio to let!
A studio space has just become available in our Pool Arts Studio on Grosvenor street, Manchester. Five minutes from Piccadilly and 5 minutes from Oxford Road. 24 hour access with some parking and WiFi. Click HERE for details.

The First Arts & Health Sitcom? 
Some years ago the sublime Jo Brand, Joanna Scanlan and Vicki Pepperdine were at the heart of a wonderful comic drama playing out life on an NHS geriatric ward. The series was a great source of depression and pleasure for me. In this episode Tilda Swinton plays a Germanic arts and health worker. Superb. The series is called Getting On and I heartily recommend it to the Health Secretary.

Looking at innovative approaches to improving the health & wellbeing of older people
5th & 6th September 2017
Belgrave Rooms, 25 Goldsmith St. Nottingham
Cost: Day 1 & 2: �44; One day ticket: �28.
As a World Health Organisation (WHO) Age Friendly City, Nottingham City Council are working closely with the Baring Foundation and Arts Council England to use the arts to enrich the lives of older people. There is consistent evidence that a range of art and music related interventions are supportive in promoting and protecting mental wellbeing and independence. This evidence is incorporated into the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for mental wellbeing and independence for older people and will be a key point of discussion within the conference. Click HERE.

Social Impact of the Arts in Liverpool 2015/16 report
The Social Impact of the Arts in Liverpool 2015/16 report looks at 36 cultural organisations in the city which are funded through the city council�s Culture Liverpool Investment Programme. It found that:
  • Arts organisations generated �27million into the city from a wide variety of local, national and international sources. This includes attracting millions of visitors and inward investment.
  • An impressive 29,840 cultural activities took place in the city from 2015/16, with 66% of this activity targeted at special groups � young people, homeless, veterans etc.
  • There were at least 4.6 million people attendees at CLIP funded events and festivals (broken down as 2,916,331 for events and 1,748,942 for festivals).
  • More than 258,000 attendees took part in CLIP activities.
  • The CLIP funding enabled the organisations to raise an additional �15,140,917 from public and private sources.
  • Organisations reported their activities achieved a huge array of social impacts and benefits � for example improving the lives of those experiencing homelessness, worklessness, long-term health issues or poor mental health. Young people with experience of the criminal justice system showed that those taking part in cultural events became more engaged in community, school and home life.
    The full report, The Social Impact of the Arts in Liverpool 2015/16 report can be viewed HERE.  

Grants to Improve the Lives of Children 
The DM Thomas Foundation for Young People supports registered charities that work to improve the lives of disabled and sick children and young people by awarding grants for equipment, training, and support. Through the Foundation's Central Grants scheme, awards of a few hundred pounds and up to �30,000 can be made, although the majority of grants will be under �10,000.
Awards are made on a quarterly basis and the next deadline for applications is 25th July 2017. Click HERE.

Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust which awards grants to registered charities in the United Kingdom has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 31st July 2017. Grants of �1,000 are available to registered charities that have an income of between �50,000 and �1,000,000 for projects that relate to Music and the Arts with priority given to projects that focus on:
  Domestic Abuse
  Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  Activities for those with limited access or opportunities.
The Trust will run four funding rounds each year; each with a different theme. Read more HERE.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

North West Arts & Health Network

It was wonderful to work in the Republic of Ireland this week, with artists and activists who in turn, are working collaboratively with people affected by dementia, and all hosted by the Butler Gallery in Kilkenny. Thank you for your interest in Dementia & Imagination and sharing your own inspirational practice. For those of you who asked, you can download the handbook free of charge HERE and do remember that we�d really value your feedback on this work. For those of you have emailed about the work I've been exploring with Vic McEwan, but who missed his performance of the hospital bed at TATE Liverpool, I'm pleased to share the short film below. If you need to know more about this collaborative international project, click on the words HARMONIC OSCILLATOR.

The Birth Rites Collection is looking for new or existing artworks, in any medium, which deals with the subject of childbirth. This is an opportunity for your work to permanently become part of the BRC, be featured as a constant on the BRC website, and tour with the collection where it will be shown in future exhibitions, be available to loan for external shows, and be part of any publications released within the collection. In addition to being part of the collection, the prize winner will be awarded a two-week residency at the BRC, and will also obtain a stipend of 250 pounds. All chosen works will be featured for one month on our website and showcased digitally for one night at the Whitworth Art Gallery in September.? More details HERE.
Application Deadline: 15th July 2017

Call for evidence: The arts for refugee health and well-being.
Deadline 1 November 2017
This call is for work that has not been published academically. If you or your organisation works with refugees or asylum seekers using the arts, and have any evaluations that meet the criteria below, please send it to

Evaluation criteria
The participants group must be all or partly refugees and asylum seekers.
The evaluation may use qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods.
The activity may be art therapy or any other art based activities.
The art type must be plastic/ visual art such as drawing, painting, printmaking, mask-making, sculpture, knitting, sewing, woodwork, collage, installation and photography.
The activity must have a health or well-being objective. 

1. Is engaging in visual/ tactile art based activities associated with improved health and well-being in refugees and asylum seekers?

2. Are specific art based activities or modes of engagement associated with specific effects or experiences?

BBC Children in Need Main Grant Programme 

The next closing date for applications to the BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme is the 13th September 2017. Grants of over �10,000 per project are available to not for profit organisations and schools that work with young people who are experiencing disadvantage through:
Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
Any kind of disability
Behavioural or psychological difficulties
And / or living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Read more at HERE.

Funding to support the performing arts 
The next closing date for applications to the Wingate Foundation's Performing Arts (excluding music) grants programme is the 20th September 2017. Funding is available for charities with a record of artistic excellence that require additional funding to broaden their repertoire or develop work of potentially outstanding interest which cannot be funded from other sources. Assistance will also be considered for training and professional development for creative talent or the technical professions. The Trustees additionally wish to support arts projects that place a particular emphasis on addressing educational or social exclusion outcomes. Read more HERE. 

Commission for new work to tour to libraries & villages
Spot on Lancashire and Cheshire Rural Touring Arts are seeking to commission an artist or company from the North West of England to develop a new piece of touring work as part of their libraries strategic touring programme. The �6,000 commission is for the first phase of development leading to a scratch performance by March 2018 to an invited library audience. Full details can be found HERE.
The successful applicant will get support and advice from Spot on Lancashire, Cheshire Rural Touring Arts, librarians in both counties (including two prison libraries) and library users. Ultimately, it is planned that the company will produce a new piece of work suitable for touring to libraries and rural venues across the country.


Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Post-Conference Issue

This last couple of weeks has seen a number of conferences and events and this Mon - Weds I had the great pleasure of attending the Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference, Bristol. Thank you Alex C and your wonderful team. It was superb to catch up with good friends and meet new people in the field. Lord Howarth of Newport shared some highlights from the forthcoming report of the APPG inquiry into arts and health, which will have its public launch here at the Manchester School of Art on July 21st. If you�re interested in attending register your name via email HERE. Remember, I�ll not be confirming precise details for a couple of weeks. Below is full footage of Alan Howarth's illuminating and passionate speech. It's taken on my phone, so excuse it's quality.

This all takes place as arts and culture joins heritage and tourism under the remit of first-time minister John Glen. Arts and culture have been separated from the creative industries in a restructure of ministerial responsibilities at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), in a move criticised as �downgrading� the importance of the arts and the creative industries. Salisbury MP and first-time Minister John Glen who it appears does or not support gay rights. Shadow culture secretary Tom Watson said: "Arts and culture should broaden our horizons and help us embrace tolerance and diversity.� Glen came under fire in 2012 for his links to a Christian charity that sponsored an event that allegedly discussed a �cure� for homosexuality. He has also been criticised for his remarks about food banks in a Channel 4 News interview in 2011, in which he reportedly said people using them �had a choice� if they didn�t spend money on other things.

Let us watch this man closely. He is accountable to us.

Do I want to do a run down of highlights of the conference? Well not in any detail - the blog would be too long. The work of Blood Sugars was superb - and we need to know more about work from other countries - diversity is everything on our increasingly gated island. Some of the break-aways were just excellent, and I was proud to chair some wonderful examples of practice. I spoke a little around Greater Manchester and Devolution - and in truth - it helped me consolidate my thinking a little. Thanks FW for your always insightful thoughts. 

Vic McEwan and I had the onerous task of giving the final conference plenary - onerous - why so? Well the three days were scorching hot, and that last session always see�s people sloping off after they�ve done their bit, so we were thrilled to see a large hard-core of arts and health people still in the room. THANK YOU. It saw us sharing work around the Harmonic Oscillator which will be on exhibition in TATE Liverpool between 26th June and 1st July. Vic and I will be reprising our presentation at a free public forum on the afternoon of Thursday 29th and a few tickets are available HERE.

You can find out a little about this work by clicking on the image above. A few times at the event, I heard people beating themselves up over questions of measurements around the value of arts and health, and it was unsurprising to see that the Great Quantifiers and Up-Scalers had scuttled off by the time it came to our presentation, where with the help of Sylvia Plath, Julian Barnes and John Berger I hopefully tempered the often inappropriate desire for a bio-medical understanding of the arts and offered some cultural nuance, and in the words of Berger, a suggestion that some of these comparative methodologies are �equally absurd.� This was an extract from my new work, Critical Care which will be published in September and the small film below is a teaser of the same, which will be shared in full with Vic at the Tate this Thursday.

On July 4th I�m very excited to be sharing Artist as Inspiration - Artist as Researcher at Kilkenny Castle as part of the Butler Gallery�s International Conference, Arts & Dementia: A European Perspective. So I�ll be sharing work from Dementia & Imagination and looking forwards to it. Click on the flyer below to register.

Woman to Woman
Rosa the UK Fund for women and girls has launched a new funding round of the "Women to Women" Fund. Local women's organisations across the UK are able to apply for grants of up to �25,000 to support a wide range of projects that benefits women. This can include: Building confidence and leadership skills, Tackling harassment and violence; etc. Rosa plans to support at least 100 local grassroots women's organisations across the UK and the grants are available for groups with an income of under �100,000 per year. Rosa especially wants to support groups that work with disadvantaged communities or in disadvantaged areas. Grants can pay for core work, as well as mobilising volunteers, leadership development, communications and advocacy. There are two stages to submitting an application to the Woman to Woman fund. To apply for a grant applicants will first need to complete the stage 1 application. The deadline for stage 1 applications is 5pm on the 6th July 2017. Read more HERE. 

The Elephant Trust
The Elephant Trust has announced the next deadline for applications is the 9th October 2017. The Trust offers grants to artists and for new, innovative visual arts projects. It aims to make it possible for artists and those presenting their work to undertake and complete projects when confronted by lack of funds. The Trust supports projects that develop and improve the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the fine arts. Priority is given to artists and small organisations and galleries making or producing new work or exhibitions. The Trust normally awards grants of up to �2,000, but larger grants may be considered. Read more HERE.

Artists International Development Fund 
The next application deadline for the Arts Council England's Artists International Development Fund is the 13th December 2017. This funding stream is for artists to develop links with artists, organisations and/or creative producers in other countries. Freelance and self-employed artists can apply for small grants of �1,000 to �5,000 to spend time building these links to broaden your horizons and open their work to other perspectives. The programme is open to emerging and mid-career artists working in combined arts, literature, music, theatre, dance, visual arts and crafts and design. Applicants must have received recognition for their work in England and not have extensive international experience. The application must also include a letter of support from the overseas partner/host. Read more HERE.


Sunday, June 18, 2017

...from the sunny streets of Kaunas

In Lithuania this week I�ve had the really rare opportunity to spend time with like-minded people who came together for the conference: Meno prieinamumas: muziejai, bendruomenes ir socialines atskirties grupes. It�s been another illuminating event organised by the Lithuanian NGO, Socialiniai meno projektai, and the conference translates as - Accessible Arts: Museums, Communities and Socially Excluded Groups.

Organised and facilitated at The National Gallery of Art by Ieva Petkute, Dr. Simona Karpaviciute and gallery educator Egle Nedzinskaite, the conference ran for two full days and showcased research and best practice from Lithuania, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia and the UK. For my part I shared some of the research and artistic outputs from Dementia & Imagination and introduced the work of Vic McEwan and work we�ll be sharing in Bristol this week: The Harmonic Oscillator. 

Again and again I�m reminded that we are all connected - those of us with these core values - small scale - large scale - regardless of the politics that surround us, we�re just doing work that has some profound impact. We�re part of something far bigger than each of ourselves. This is a wonderful country, and I thank my hosts for inviting me and believing in this work and the life we live. Aciu.

This week continues apace and sees three days of frenetic arts and health activity in Bristol as somehow, Alex Coulter and her colleagues in the South West, yet again, pull together a giant of a conference. It promises to be rich and diverse and I for one can�t wait.

Winston Churchill Craft & Design Travelling Fellowships
Closing date: 19th Sept at 5.00pm
The new 'Craft & Design� 2018 Travelling Fellowships programme is currently open for applications. For more information, see: Crafts & Design 2018 e-poster. If you are inspired by the work of overseas designers, have a project in mind to support craft skills or want to work with overseas craft people/designers and have a project in mind to advance practices in the UK design sector, apply for a @wcmtuk Travelling Fellowship here: 

Engaging Libraries Programme
The Carnegie UK Trust has announced that its Engaging Libraries Programme is now open for applications. The programme offers grants of �5,000 - �15,000 to libraries to deliver creative and imaginative public engagement projects on health and wellbeing. Applicants must be public library services, but the programme has a strong emphasis on collaboration and encourages libraries to think about a broad range of potential partnership opportunities in the delivery of their projects. The Carnegie UK Trust is aiming to support between 8 - 10 libraries and activities must be completed between October 2017 and October 2018. The closing date for applications is August 2017. Find out more

Women Make Music Grants Programme 
Women songwriters and composers of all genres and backgrounds have until the 2nd October 2017 to apply for the next round of the Women Make Music programme. The programme supports the development of outstanding women songwriters and composers at different stages of their career. It aims to:
  Break down assumptions and stereotypes
  Raise awareness of the gender gap
  Increase the profile of women who are creating new music in the UK
  To encourage women who may otherwise not have applied for PRS for Music Foundation funding.
Grants are available of up to �5,000 to support touring, recording, promotion and marketing, community projects involving high-quality music creators, music creator residencies and live performances featuring new UK music. Read more at:

Why? Fest 2017
Saturday 8th July
Disabled and Diverse artists from across Birmingham and or linked to Birmingham and West Midlands arts have come together in a festival for 2017. The Why? Festival is a programme of performance and performance development opportunities aimed at discovering and working with new and emergency artists who define themselves as Disabled People or of Diverse Culture. Funded initially through an ACE Grant for Arts, the programme will run a series of workshops looking at performance and creative skills, and devising new works sessions, and will compliment these with a number of live performance opportunities including larger festival type events as artists and performance ready work is created and identified. Anyone interested in taking part in this programme as an artist, an organisation supporting potential, new and emerging Disabled and Diverse Artists, or as a venue or promoter then please contact Robin Surgeoner at
. . .

After yet another tragedy in the UK, no platitudes from me - just thoughts.

. . .                      


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Happy Talk...

'Discredited, humiliated, diminished. Where there was respect, there is ridicule; where there was strength, there is weakness; where there was self-assurance, there is doubt.' ...enough said.*

This week I was invited to a Creative Industries Federation round table meeting with NHS Chief Executive, Simon Stevens to discuss the increasing place of the arts and health agenda in national research, policy and practice. Great to hear interested and interesting people from the cultural sector, and only a little jarred with me. Although 'Chatham House' rules apply, this meeting does come in Arts for Health�s 30th year at MMU and the month before the public launch of a the national research inquiry into the field, undertaken by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Arts, Health and Wellbeing. I'm pleased that this will take place the Manchester School of Art in July - more details soon. While this event will be by invitation only, if you are interested in research and policy in arts and health and would like to attend, lease register your interest by emailing HERE.

I'll be sharing some Dementia & Imagination work at the National Art Gallery of Lithuania, alongside new work with Vic McEwan following his residency at Alder Hey, which all precedes his residency at TATE Liverpool at the end of the month. Free tickets for a TATE Exchange event on 29th June are available HERE. For those of you attending the Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference in Bristol, you'll be able to hear from Vic and I on the final day of the conference in the final keynote of the conference. Vic will be sharing work from The Harmonic Oscillator and I'll be framing in through an extract from a new work, Critical Care.

Calling all artists involved in healthcare - Expressions of Interest
The new children�s hospital to be built on the grounds of St James�s Hospital Dublin is the most ambitious healthcare development in the island of Ireland in terms of scale, design and clinical care.  Designed by BDP and O�Connell Mahon Architects, this iconic building will be a world class facility that will look after children and young people from all over Ireland who have complicated and serious illnesses and who are in need of specialist and complex care. In addition to the hospital, two Paediatric Outpatient and Urgent Care Centres will be built at Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown and Tallaght Hospital to open in 2018 and 2019 respectively. The project will bring together three existing children�s hospitals: Our Lady�s Children�s Hospital Crumlin, Temple Street Children�s University Hospital and the National Children�s Hospital at Tallaght Hospital.

The Children�s Hospital Group (CHG) invites Expressions of Interest from experienced artists to enter into a phase of Research and Development between August and October 2017 leading to proposals for a range of ambitious artworks that will be integrated into the new children�s hospital public realm spaces and its Paediatric Outpatient and Urgent Care Centres. This Research and Development Phase will be a stand-alone contract and the realisation of resulting proposals will be contracted separately.

The closing date for Expressions of Interest is Wednesday, 19th July at 2pm.
An information meeting for artists will take place in the F2 Centre, Dublin 8 on 3rd July. For full details and an application form, click HERE.

Creative Alternatives Online
Creative Alternatives is an award winning arts and health service that has
been funded by Public Health in Merseyside for more than ten years! Programme participants have explored ways of using creativity to reduce
symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. There is plenty of research to show that the arts can help to improve wellbeing and over the past 10 years, the community based programme has helped hundreds of people to do so. With the new online programme, we are expanding the reach of Creative Alternatives and hope to help even more people to improve their wellbeing through the power of creativity! Creative Alternatives Online offers:
- A weekly series of recorded workshops led by an artist, for you to watch in your own time, at your own pace
- Opportunities to try new things like mindfulness, gentle body work and expressive arts activities such as sketching, writing and photography, all in your own time
- Forums, where you can connect and share your experience with likeminded people
- Optional live drop in sessions with the participants and artists, for you to share your creative work if you wish to
- Access to online resources to boost your creativity & wellbeing 
The programme is FREE and will run for 12 weeks, starting in early Sep 2017.
If you like the sound of what�s on offer, please email us at to find out more! 

Masonic Charitable Foundation Community Support Grants 
Registered charities in England and Wales can apply for funding to the Masonic Charitable Foundation's Community Support Grants Scheme. Funding is available for projects to tackle financial hardship; improve the lives of those affected by poor physical and/or mental health and wellbeing; provide educational and employment opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people; and tackle social exclusion and disadvantage. Charities can apply for large grants of �5,000 and above or for small grants of between �500 and �5,000. The next closing date for applications to the small grants programme is the 16th June 2017. For large grants programme it is 3rd July 2017. If applying for a Large Grant, applicants must first submit a Grant Enquiry Form at least two weeks prior to the large grant application deadline. Read more by clicking on the gentleman in all his finery, above!

Near Neighbours Small Grants Fund 
Local groups and organisations, who are working to bring together neighbours and develop relationships across diverse faiths and ethnicities in order to improve their communities, have until 17th November 2017 to apply for grants of �250 to �5,000 from the Near Neighbours fund. The fund which operates in East & West London, Luton, East Midlands, Birmingham, the Black Country, Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire has two key objectives:
Social interaction - to develop positive relationships in multi-faith and multi-ethnic areas
Social action - to encourage people of different faiths and of no faith and of different ethnicities to come together for initiatives that improve their local neighbourhood.
Grants awarded in the past have offered funding to a broad range of work; environmental, social, cultural, artistic, and sporting, that furthers the programme's aims of encouraging social interaction and social action. Read more by clicking on the Manchester back ally, above.

* Now here's a great cartogram that was in the news. Quite simply it shows the UK political landscape by per-head vote and political party.

BBC Children in Need Main Grant Programme 
The next closing date for applications to the BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme is the 1st September 2017. Grants of over �10,000 per project are available to not for profit organisations and schools that work with young people who are experiencing disadvantage through:
Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
Any kind of disability
Behavioural or psychological difficulties
And / or living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Schools can also apply for funding but the project must be additional to their statutory duties. Read more HERE. 

Funding for young people to develop social enterprises 
UnLtd, in partnership with Sports Relief and the Spirit of 2012, has announced that young people who want to start, grow or build their social enterprise idea can apply for funding of up to �15,000.  Young people can apply for a Test it Award of up to �500 or a Build it Award of up to �15,000.  Awards can be applied for by an individual or small group of up to four people aged 11-30. Test it Awards provide young people with the chance to unlock their potential and make a positive difference in the community. The Test it Awards are available to 200 young people to run their own projects. There is a one stage application process for Test It Awards. All applicants need to do is fill out the application which can be found at here. UnLtd will also scale up successful projects by providing Awards of �15,000 to 10 young people who are ready to build their ideas into sustainable social. There is a two stage application process for the Build It Awards.  Applicants initially will need to submit an expression of interest and if they meet the criteria then UnLtd will send an application form. Read more by clicking on the street scene, above.          .