Sunday, March 13, 2016

�the first signs of spring

The Vacuum Cleaner
�and voices more lucid and tempered than my own are blossoming! A new piece of writing by Fran�ois Matarasso as part of Arts + Health Ireland�s Perspectives series, questions pressures to prove the value of arts interventions in health care only according to narrow scientific assessment models. Writer and curator Frances Williams shares some of her well measured thoughts on arts and health frameworks on the Arts Professional website. Two pieces of work that are well worth reading. Thank you both. Here's a quote from Matarasso to whet your appetite.

The purpose and value of artistic creativity is exploration. Wanting to know in advance what it will discover is ridiculous.

Anyway, back to my less tempered reality. There�s a wonderful film online of Sir Peter Whatshisname - you know, the one who made Big Brother and whose granddad dug drains - and Health Secretary Hunt,(looking just a tad redundant) but I can�t bear to link it to this blog, it feels almost viral by association! I�m sure you can find it, but some of the throw away lines of these illustrious leaders are priceless, especially all those lists of the things they know and don�t know. I think there's even promise of a 'cure' thrown in too - and of course, the arts are cheaper than medicine! There's quality for you. All hail those inspiring leaders! Oh, and it�s a good publicity vehicle for the Daily Mail too. Need I say more? Here's that link to my gibberish on much the same vein as FM and FW above.

How to be a Craftivist
Want to know more about craftivism and the work of Sarah Corbett? She has a book coming out that I've signed up for one!'How To Be A Craftivist: the art of gentle protest' Click on the wonderful Hannah Henderson train ticket below, for all the details.

Director, Pioneer Projects
Salary: �24, 827 (based on �30,000 pro rata for 30 hrs p/week) 
Location: High Bentham, North Yorkshire
Pioneer Projects (Celebratory Arts) Ltd is an arts and health charity which uses creative activity to promote health and well-being for communities and the individuals. The organisation is at a key stage in its development, having secured new funding, and we are looking for a Director with a strong track record in:
Providing vision, leadership and managing change
Leading on income generation and service development
Influencing policy makers and key stakeholders

For further information and an application pack please call Lynda Graveson on 015242 62672 or email: Closing date for applications is 2pm on Wednesday the 23th March 2016. Interviews will take place on Wednesday the 6th April 2016 at Looking Well Studios, King Street, High Bentham, Lancaster, LA2 7HG.

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